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Currently AT Dance has no ‘set’ uniform, however, there are a few considerations that we would like parents and students to take on when selecting their attire. Clothes worn to class must be appropriate for the given style of dance. This includes a leotard and skirt for ballet, tan shoes for jazz (black for boys), tap shoes for tap, and allowing more relaxed tracksuit/shorts or baggy clothes for hip hop. Students are heavily encouraged to wear the school colours; green, blue and black, in all of their classes.



We, at AT Dance, are extremely pleased to announce that we are a VIP school at Studio 7 Dancewear. This means that students who dance with AT Dance receive a 10% discount on all of their purchases at Studio 7. They have a terrific array of options and we highly recommend our students to use Studio 7 for all their dancewear purchases.   


Please fill out the form below if you wish to purchase one of our AT Dance t-shirts which can be worn in class. These t-shirts cost $30 each. If you would like to order multiple, please order them separately.


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